See You on the Other Side

Your support matters

Investing in the Next Generation

See You on the Other Side
supports the social and emotional well-being of students and surrounding communities by embedding community minded artists within schools.

Our pilot program at Amarosa Academy was made possible by a AB 86 Expanded Learning Opportunities grant, a community grant from Sonoma County Vintners Foundation, generous volunteers and private donations.

Learn how you can influence meaningful change by supporting more projects like this.


Beyond the Other Side 

Our journey continues! We’ve already seen what can happen when bright minds, open hearts, and generous givers come together. Our conviction to reach more school communities with our collective of committed artists has only continued to grow.

Please join us in spotting opportunities to extend See You on the Other Side in 2023 and beyond.

Already have an idea?


Let’s put Prop 28 to work

When it comes time to make budget cuts, public schools often cut the arts first. The result is that today most of California’s public school students are not getting a quality arts education, something that has proven to help keep kids engaged in school, increase attendance and improve learning.

Proposition 28 guarantees that 1% of the amount funded for public education be set aside to fund music and the arts in every K-12 public school without raising taxes. This will roughly double the amount California gives schools for arts and music education – and send 30% of that money to schools serving low-income students. We’re over the moon about this win for equitable arts education!

Get involved with Amarosa Academy

SCOE’s Amarosa Academy is on a mission to provide alternative pathways that connect each student to expanded opportunities for learning and living.

Our programs, including Teen Parent and Independent Study, provide restorative support to students who have experienced difficulties in a traditional school setting, resulting in expulsion, identified as habitually truant, placed on probation by the court, or referred by a social service agency.

Learn more at


Get Involved with Artstart

Artstart is an award-winning 501(c)3 non-profit educational arts organization serving all of Sonoma County since 1999.

Artstart’s mission is to provide mentoring and stimulating arts work experience for Sonoma County youth, while creating publicly and privately commissioned art for our community.

Learn more at